Monday, May 18, 2009

All Over The Portfolio

It has been decided. A portfolio I must have. Poems and articles work, ditto photographs and craft. Paintings and sketches - doodles, even. And guess what? I’m super excited! For real! Dunno why, but just the idea of getting paint and paper in contact gets me all animated! Doodles and snaps - awesome! Now I do get the feeling I’m overdoing the “!”s but hey, humour me... I’m excited, remember? Yeah!

So after 4 years of wishing Mrs. Sabrina David (art teach at school) would find herself a broomstick to fly (C’mon, she gave me 4 on 10 all along.. 5’s would be her biannual acts of benevolence. Never mind that the ‘artists’ in class averaged 7. ), and then 4 more years of paintless relief, it comes to this. A little out of pattern, do you think? Wrong, dear doofus. Absolutely wrong! It’s one of those round circle things, ye see… I’m sure I loved paints as a kid. Actually, it’s quite possible that I didn’t but umm… Okay, so unsafely assuming I loved paints, then tolerated them and finally detested them, it only makes sense that I fall for them all over again. See, I’m making perfect sense.

Ahh, I’m gonna paint! I can almost see some stuff - all I have to do is get off my lazy butt and make it. I’ve roped in my Nani – she’s my motivator cum art enthusiast cum creative guru. And boy, she does the best watercolours ever! She could make me feel like I was missing out on something great even during my AntiPaint phase... and mind you, it takes a lot to say no to temptation when it’s a matter of pointless principle.

My kid sister is all for it – she’s currently my centre for Lost&Found. Which is I-R-O-N-I-C. You know what I mean if you have a sibling. She even rummages for paintbrushes on her bed, that horror. Her bed the horror, she's a terror. Well, mostly not. To quote her – “My 12th standard Physics and Chemistry sister has to give drawing and colouring exams!? Oh my God, I have to help her!” Design entrance test reduced to a colouring exam. Heck, I was reduced to a Phy-Chem sister! Gave me such a sense of self worth. Small mercy that Math wasn’t featured. Another thing worthy of mention - I carried a pouch filled with her sketch pens, only one of which I used.
Lucky for her, she lives in this grossly simplified world where respect is dealt out on the basis of er... nothing. Authority, maybe. Which is why I get zero respect. The OMG bit – normally, I would have started a “Does God exist?” thing, but with her, nope. I tried it once when she was about 7 – she got hysterical, bawled. Nice and loud and scary, at that. And amidst her tears, she found the time, breath and energy to curse me to hell, call me names, come up with filmy dialogues AND promise me that God would punish me for being 'so disgusting'. I even got the royal ignore for the rest of the day. No theological discussions for us for a few years, no sir. I’ve smartened up, true.

- - -

Hehe, I got told this afternoon that I talk like I blog – All over the place. To me it felt like the biggest compliment ever! Dang, I even live all over the place. But then again, who am I to say… your venerated take on it would be?


Gyan reloaded said...

Hail David Miss! DOn't u wish u'd given those drawing classes more attention?
I believe u cn still learn - human brain can till 80 or till Alzheimer's hits!!

Shweta said...

Ha. Thanks. I so appreciate that! :P
Been asking to get an answer, you know.. you are who?

The Monk said...

my take on it....ha-ha....,happy!
i would b glad 2 b of some help... if u'd ever need some ofcourse!
n yeah..dont 4get to show me ur pieces of art...though not an excellent painter, u could b an inspiring one!!

Shweta said...

@ Gyan reloaded
I MOST DEFINITELY DO NOT. Heck, when did art stop being about spontaneity? :P

Shweta said...

@ The Monk
Help how, we need to clear up. But man, I'm gonna need loadsa encouragement! Keep it ready!
My pieces of art.. wow, you're my new best friend. I now love you. No wait, that made almost no sense. Anyway, you know I'll brag about all if even one turns out okay. Don't worry ;)

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