Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Of Rude Rants And Rules..

So let’s talk about the CET. And not talk about it ever again. Sahi.

Chemistry – nothing really. 50 splotchy blobs, at last count. Physics – Closer to 40 blobs, right or wrong. Massacre. Absolute disgrace. Math – hah, better than Physics. I feel like such a traitor... And that will be it.

Sidethought - Slugs can be so exasperating, no?

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I feel a full blown “Males!!” tirade coming on. Not without reason and nothing remotely flattering to the variety, I assure you. But gah, those thickskulls. In some cases, You thickskulls – hey, not my fault! Ever wondered why the last name Dickinson came into being? Okay, polite company, that particular line of thought must be done away with.

Instead, it’ll go down on paper – with ink – phir paper ka rocket banega – and hopefully, my charmed, aerodynamically screwed up craft will manage to puncture a few skulls. Something along the lines of a hot-air-balloon-cum-rocket would be nice. Throw out a few sacks of sand, and voila! You may now hop off and strangle Le Target. Add to that the tagda rocket effect. Whoa. This is one idea that’s bound to work... if nothing else, just because the novelty of it all! Guys, this is what the world needs! Anyone interested in working out some sort of deal - you know where to reach me. Trust me, people like going back to their prehistoric selves. That’s when human skulls were really thick.

I’m having fun.

Though when I stop to consider that all except one of my readers so far have been (em, are too) males... hatt! What do you suppose that means?
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I‘ve been thinking... all these posts have been kinda dhilla. Dismissive, no real substance, get what I’m saying? The NBTD variety, exactly.

Case in point – this particular post. Yes, the post is a pointless rant. No, it’s not going anywhere. A wee bit flippant, granted. I know I won’t be offered the Pulitzer or your compliments for this one, chauvinist world that we live in.

But you know what? I’m enjoying it (the writing, not the evil ways of the world). My blog, thenga to you! Haha!
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A little overdue, but lemme lay down one basic ground rule (My blog, remember? :P) –No offense meant on my part ; now or in the future. If you believe I made a dig at you (make that “when”... after all, it’s one event with sky-high probability), know that it’s ENTIRELY in jest. The probability may inch downwards if you display the courtesy of leaving behind a comment. I hate doing the all-caps typeface, so you know just how serious I am. Good.

C’mon, if I wanted to insult you, I’d bombard your Gmail, Yahoo and SMS inboxes with uh, material. And even if it was a blog post, I assure you the post would have a relevant title. For instance, “To The Sucker I Speak Of”. :P


Anonymous said...

how can u come up with such racy stuff..ive to actually read it twice, minimum, to get what is put down there...

i guess, this is known as generation gap...am getting older...thanks for pushing my inner wheels..to race up my comprehension...:)

cheers..keep it coming..

Shweta said...

Err.. is that a positive or what? I read thought your comment twice, minimum, and I wasn't any wiser. Do tell.
Be rest assured I'll keep it coming - Keep reading! :)

Gyan reloaded said...

racy stuff, isn't yr fiefdom! even comments can "push yr inner wheels" glad to know.
2yrs of CET - summarily murdered in 4 lines. cdn't u have given it a better orbituary? But I sympathise - with ur teachers!

Shweta said...

You sympathise with my teachers. Now I feel like this big bad kid.. thanks a ton, whoever you are. Which brings me to repeat myself, yet again - WHO are you?

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