Update of sorts – I’ve taken to running out of the house at 6 am to jog (most reluctantly) and play badminton (most enthusiastically) in the company of a few friends. I’ve been having a great time playing and meeting new people! You walk off court after a good 3 hours feeling all fresh and ready to take on the world – the exhaustion kicks in once you’re home and asked to put the laundry out to dry… You get what I mean. We are, so to say, getting back in shape. ‘Back’ kaha se aaya pata nahi, but it sure is heartening!
Some sincere counsel – do your best to avoid being paired with people you can’t yell at when you play doubles. You have some chumps who ignore shots, and therefore the game, because they figured “it was closer to your quadrant” and the most you can do in response is flash a slack jaw. Like seriously, what!? Some birds watch the bird fly overhead and admire the fluidity of motion. Birdie numb numb! Inside unfunny joke, don’t ask. They make annoying partners but hey, they might just be good players. Net result being that if you mind playing cameos, you’ll just have to lump it. Now for some foolproof advice – If you enjoy going for the shots and running around on court, warm up, ye hear me? Strongly seconded by some aching, inflamed and very stiff muscles.
Haha, we tried some wheatgrass juice after playing the other day – it came highly recommended. So much so that it cost us nothing. I’ll have you know one thing - post drink, you’ll feel like a cow. A grazing, mooing, cud-chewing cow at that. And akin to the dry masala puri after a plate of pani puris, they then give you a spoonful of moong sprouts to chomp on. Have all you want, but I’m warning you, you’ll feel like a horse.
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In other news, I’m trying to get my portfolio in place. Keeps the mind busy, to say the least. Sometimes, I feel like my kid sister should be the one appearing. She is one creative chick. She’s also encouraging – she steals my paints, thereby forcing me to rescue them colours and put them to use. Sisterly affection in full force, yep.
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After over a decade of seeing cheesy, jammy Monaco biscuit-sandwiches being advertised on bright yellow backgrounds, I decided it was time to try them out for myself. Verdict - Awesome snack! Also the kind you can patao a kid to make. Don’t whine if you’re the kid in your family, sucker. Send me some with a tall glass of iced lemon tea and a good book instead. Ooh wow, I need to go picture that folks... so long.
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