Thinkers from different time periods and time zones have given the world their take on a gazillion different issues. Inclusive of trivial, metaphysical, moral, the works. Funny term, 'thinkers' - they're people who probably thought the same as a thousand others but had the sense to market it, to say it out loud, maybe even write it down. And then people tell kids to be quiet is to be good.
Come to think of it - and then they say marketing is a new subject! Marketing has been around since man first learnt to hack and grow and kill but not share; that's how bartering came into place, right? If you want a more modern scenario that supports marketing, take India post independence.
Priority in '47 was basic administration. IAS = best thing ever.
A little further and infrastructure was the need of the hour. All hail engineers!
Then Gates opened up, Jobs came in later and the race to be more "hi-tech" than the next set up demanded IT professionals, boriya bistra baandh kar.
Managing the imbalance between infrastructural needs, options and possibilities and the workforce handling them meant MBA grads outshone IAS babus and how!
And after admin, infra, tech and management more or less in place, what's needed more than ever before is going out there and telling the world what you have to give it. You want to sell yourself, your vision and your services and you want to sell it right. You need the media, you need good promotion.
Sure, you needed promotion then and you need AITM today. You had doctors, architects and lawyers then, you have and need them today. Have I picked the right field, considering today? I don't know. Did I pick a sensible train of thought? I did. Thank Mr Dhunji Wadia, Orientation '10.
The previous post, I'm sorry, killer tha and not quite in a sense flattering to me. Have stuff about the concept of Time playing on my mind but I think it's safe to assume I may leave that for later.
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