And since I haven't been Shweta G. Sharma in quite a while, what you get for this visit to my blog is stuff that generally manages to cheer me up, pack rat that I am. Marginally, atleast :P It ups my sillyness levels for the next half hour or so, and since that's more than what Vodafone can do...
Thing is, I keep planning to upload them but then decide to wait for the next one to make a show. Ab bas! :P
Hope you smile, even if no one's watching =)
Cookie Monster! Awesomeness

"HNY" :P

Sesame Street, Year 40


Series of postcards (Google's getting old) - here because they were there :P

When Bapu = Birthday Boy? :|


Count von Count. Oh you bloody fool, count!

Just her name picks me up! Boombah Chamki :D

Happy 'kite festival', where kite festival = holiday with gajak, popcorn and movies :D

PS - The G dissecting my name? Grace. Shweta Grace Sharma. See? Vodafone reference? The tagline 'Happy to help'. Yes, I suck. =)
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