Thursday, August 13, 2009

Paper For Seats?

WHAAAT is this thing females have about leaving the toilet seat down? :X 

A little tap works wonders. One word. Gravity. When you lift it up you're fighting gravity. Tap and the thing will whoosh-whack-bump its way down.  Easy peasy, innit?

I don't know where this is coming from. Perhaps I'm just turning into a reverse feminist, if that makes any sense. But boss, when something bothers you all day long, you bloody well hammer keyboards about it.  Life's a series of buttons being pushed anyway. 

And anyway, why does the toilet seat in particular get to decide a guy's standing on Le Scale de Chivalrie? Toilet paper would be a better option, no? Something like this -

Roll and guy dono laapata? Nevermind... that's why the women's mags advise against monogrammed ones anyway. Unless they're Gucci dahlings! Chanel? Pooh, you're better off without them.

Roll of toilet paper still to be seen? He isn't a petty thief. Then again, maybe it's just the CCTV thrill/scare you gave him earlier.

Roll seen in place? He cares.

Ripped but diagonally? Oh just them big, clumsy fingers...

Razor sharp, horizontal line? Keeper! 

Unused? Get the noose ready, he's putting your needs before everything else! Alternatively, he could be slid off the list clearing the bottom margin some. The trick is to decide on either funda and stick with it. 

See, that's all there is to it. 

Oh and that line about life being a series of buttons being pushed was profound. And original. You just don't know kitna... :P


arkticwriter said...

you know, i think youd better see a psychiatrist...Anyway, howz lyf.. kc, churchgate, mumbai, sis, mom, dad, granpa, vashi, trains, swine flu, et al?
See, i gave u a dozen interesting topics to talk abt, so ur reply better be long... :P

Shweta said...

You're a fine one to talk! Disappear, khao bhav then show up asking for udpates on a dozen interesting topics! What, fb hacked into as well? :P

Shweta said...

Definitely look forward to details about things your side! So post! =)
Life - going great!
KC, fun.
Churchgate mumbai.. er, the same as ever, grand, and shut down for a week :P
Family, all fit and fine.
Trains - wont be graced by my presence for another 5 days. Incidentally, Masjid st ka overhead bridge is being fixed :P
Swine flu? Fuck it, you don't wanna know.. :|

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