Monday, April 5, 2010

Wantowrite Wantowrite Wantowrite

^ Commendable.

Uuunfortunately, that does nothing for me. *sigh* The joys of being a journalist in the making..

It's one of those days, it is.

Noon saw me grinning. Inspiration! I'll just get to the keyboard and type. Arbit stuff. Let it flow. In no time whatsoever, a blog post will be ready! :D. Now see, that's pretty much the best mood any couldbe-wannabe-but-mustneverbe blogger can be in. Out of nowhere comes this innate confidence that you can write, write on demand and write well when you get down to it. You rest your padded behind on the swivel chair and dayum. Pop goes the bubble.

See, I've been thinking. No, not the 'serious, analytical thinking' that makes up the right half of my mental activity scale. More on that later. But what romance novels call fleeting thoughts? Good kid. Those are what I'm talking about. Of course, the girl in the novel has 'fleeting thoughts' for a week at the end of which she invariably lands up with the guy of her dreams (I refuse to call the bugger Mr Right or worse, The Prince In Shining Armour. Go die, you damsel/dhikra in distress.), the job she always wanted, just the right mix of Bob The Builder inspired "YES WE CAN!!"s and I-have-it-all-and-I'm-only-25-take-that-bitches-! She gets the house, the pet and all that lovin'. Even better, no one in the picture needs to go back to her childhood days, dig out ABBA records and moan about how The Winner Takes It All. No sirree! All's dandy, rosy pink, crunchy crisps. It's a dream. How, you ask? Because of those fleeting thoughts.

Well I'll tell you what. When fleeting thoughts uh, fleet, fleet is ALL they do. They come, they sit, they go. And nothing comes off them. Fact of life. I assure you the birds and the bees will bring to your life more joy, happiness and "all that lovin'" than my flitterbug thought revelation ever will. At best, someone'll call you a flibbertigibbet, you'll spend an hour trying to say it right, you'll look it up on Urban Dictionary and Google and whatever else you've ever heard of for the origins of the word. Or you'll take the easy way out - grin and chuck it. And then? And then nothing.

So while I could have written about how I'm being uprooted and gaadhoed bang in front of PIS, Nerul - prime location as far as bus routes 23 and 25 are concerned; how the kid sister will now have full rights to be a prissy preteen because hey, half of it is what her new school advocates; how I have more existential crises and does-anybody-care moments than I care for - oh yes, very regular teenager like; how I am (EVEN MORE teenager like) so desperate for some bhaav and affection right now; how I'm at a loss for topics to talk or write since none manage to interest even me for more than 15 seconds at a stretch... fuck it. So while I could have written about all of that, I won't. Ooh rebellion. Not. How I wish I was cheap enough to repost that cartoon.

Must the blues run the game?


Vismitha said...

Nice blog. I loved the template :)

Shweta said...

You brightened up my morning, thank you :)

Parinita said...

Ok it's almost 1 in the morning and I'm very sleepy and tired so the only thing that I thought of when I read this post was that flibbertigibbet was one of the Fat Lady's passwords to the Gryffindor dorm.

Andand isn't Vashi to Nerul like moving from one gao to another? Except the one you're moving to has a swanky railway station which reminded me of an airport when I'd been there a few years back.

*sprinkles bhaav*

*sends a flying hug due to inability to sprinkle affection*

Shweta said...

Oh you have GOT to see the Vashi station. Affection most welcome, returned with appropriate enthusiasm. Wait, appropriate enthusiasm? Nevermind. Returned.

PS - I relate 'flibbertigibbet' to The Sound Of Music. Maria, remember? =D

Parinita said...

I haven't watched Sound of Music. Ever. Should I just quietly go to a corner and die?

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